Friday, November 25, 2011

I turned 40 last Friday. My husband got me a throwing wheel. Now I spend all my evenings in the garden shed trying to master the clay. It's absorbing. He also arranged for me to learn horse driving. The horse I take care of is a very experienced roadster and he and a human teacher will teach me. I feel so grateful and I can't remember being this happy ever. Not primarily because of the gifts. But because the gifts show how much he knows me. And because I finally know what I want to do. 


  1. I just had a wave of happiness, like a flush, when I read your post. Oh what an extraordinary moment for you... Happy Birthday dear Malo, happy throwing on the potters wheel, happy time spent with your beautiful horse...(such a thoughtful person your husband is) ...LOVE

    p.s. Look out for a package in the post! I noticed after I mailed it I had forgot to include my note/card inside...but I think you'll know who it's from ;^)

  2. Happy birthday Malo! Seems to me that you've began this new decade of your life in the best possible way.
