Friday, September 23, 2011

Finally. We are buying a farm. We will live in the country. We will have space, stillness, animals and hopefully we will have more time together.More to come.


  1. WOW. I've missed a lot too, then :)

  2. Peeking in on my break, but I couldn't resist saying a big congratulations to you and your family! Oh how wonderful ... you'll have space, and a new garden(s), animals ... sounds like a lovely life! xo

  3. SO exciting! I'm really happy for you!

  4. (janis is cheating. just for the record ;)

    I'd forgotten to mention I do the pj leg trick often myself too (unfortunately.)

    work is fine. too much too quickly all the time. but hey, still learning.
    thanks so much for asking. how about yours?

  5. this is such wonderful news, so glad for you! is the new house on gotland?
