Friday, August 26, 2011

On my door step today when coming home from work. A big basket full of King Bolete. I have the world's greatest in-laws.

After a nine week vacation I enjoy being awake watching my foggy morning garden. Summer slowly shifting into Fall may be my favorite time of year.

Friday, August 19, 2011

I planted these Japanese windflowers a few years ago. I could not imagine how fast and furious they would grow. The flower delicate and almost fragile but the plant and the foliage sturdy and determinate. These late summer evenings I watch the flowers grow high almost touching the fruit heavy branches of the apple trees.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

This is cheese croquettes, pickled apples, mushrooms with parsley in olive oil and lemon, red peppers with ricotta cheese and anchovy. It was ok. The croquettes tasted kind of lame and the ricotta cheese needed more time in the fridge. But it was a fun meal to plan and prepare.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The porch is almost done. My husband built the wooden mobile last summer. We finally got it up. I looks like a giant dough hook slowly spinning in the air.